Notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
Seller: Kato Planning Co.
Representative Director: Tamotsu Kato
Location: 42-14 Aoyanagi-cho, Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata 997-0832
Phone number: 0235-35-0775
FAX number: 0235-35-0780
Business hours: Orders are accepted 24 hours a day.
Please contact the store during the following hours.
Weekdays, weekends and holidays 9:00-18:00
We are closed every Tuesday.
We no longer include a delivery note. If you would like a delivery note, receipt, etc., please indicate it in the remarks column when you make a purchase.
Selling price: The selling price shall be the amount indicated (indicated price/excluding consumption tax).
Fees other than the product price: Shipping charges
Method and timing of payment
Payment methods: Credit card, carrier payment, and deferred payment are available.
Payment is confirmed at the time the order is placed.
For deferred payment, a payment slip will be mailed to you after you receive your order.